Deskripsi Mata kuliah :

Mata Kuliah ini adalah Mata Kuliah Dasar Umum/Mata Kuliah Komponen Universitas yang “WAJIB” dan menjadi dasar keahliaan bagi mahasiswa. Fakultas Agama Islam dengan (3) tiga Program Studi : Pendidikan Agama Islam, Hukum Ekonomi Syaraiah (Muammalat), Pendidikan Guru MI akan membahas tentang Pengetahuan agama Islam sebagai “fundamental English Learning” untuk mewujudkan lulusan yang akan dapat mengkaji dan menjelaskan materi Islamic Learning in English Academic Purpose dengan baik.

Materi :
  1. To explain the history of Islam : The History of Islam begins with Muhammad (s.a.w) who was an Arabian religious and political leader who Muslims believe to be the last prophet of Allah (God). follow his sun-nah (teachings) through collections in the Ha-dist. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim He is a descendant of Ishmael, a son of Abraham, he is considered the most important person in the religion of Islam. etc..
  2. To explain Muhammad’s life : Muhammad (c.570 – June 8, 632) was a trader later becoming a religious, political, and military leader. However, Muslims do not view Muhammad as the creator of Islam, but instead regard him as the last messenger of God, through which the qur'an  was revealed. Muslims view Muhammad as the restorer of the original, corrupted monotheistic faith of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. etc..
  3. To explain the five pillar’s of Islam : Kalima is the declaration of faith which believes the professing that there is only one God (Allah) (monotheism) and that Muhammad is God's messenger. Kalima is a set statement normally recited in Arabic: 'La 'ilaa-ha 'il-lal-laa-hu mu-ham-ma-dur ra-soo-lul-laah " I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger." Reciting this statement is obligatory in daily prayer (salāh) as well as on other occasions; it is also a key part in a person's conversion to Islam. etc.. 

  4. To explain Faith : The core beliefs of Islam are that there is only one god-unitary and beyond comprehension-and that Muhammad is the prophet of God, the last in a series of prophet beginning with Adam. The qur'an is upheld as the eternal, literal word of God, and revelations to earlier prophets, as seen in the Jewish Torah and Christian Gospels, are believed to have become distorted by human intervention. etc..
  5. To explain Culture : Perhaps the most important expression of Islamic art is architecture, particularly that of the mosque(four-Iwan and hypo style). Through the edifices, the effect of varying cultures within Islamic civilization can be illustrated. The North African and Spanish Islamic architecture, for example, has Roman-Byzantine  elements, as seen in the great mosque of Kairouan which contains marble and porphyry columns from Roman and Byzantine buildings, in the Alhambra palace at Granada, or in the great mosque of Cordoba. etc..

  6. To explain Islamic holly book : Islamic holy books are the texts which Muslims believe were authored by God to various Islamic prophet throughout the history of mankind. All these books, in Muslim belief, promulgated the code and laws of Islam. Muslims believe the qur'an , the final holy scripture, was sent because all the previous holy books had been either corrupted or lost. Nonetheless, Islam speaks of respecting all the previous scriptures in their original forms.
Written Focus :
  1. Simple Present
  2. Present Continuous 
  3. Present Perfect
  4. Simple Past
  5. Past Continuous
  6. Simple Future

Definisi : Bahasa adalah alat atau sistem yang bisa digunakan untuk mengekspresikan IDE, Gagasan dan Perasaan sedangkan fungsinya adalah sebagai alat komunikasi.

Bahasa dibagi menjadi 3 : Bahasa Lisan, Tulisan dan Bahasa Tubuh

Komponen Bahasa Tulis : 
  1. Huruf (A-Z) terdiri dari 26 Huruf (dalam bahasa Inggris ada huruf yang sudah terdapat artinya; a : sebuah, satu, dan i : saya.
  2. Kata : Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Pronoun, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection. 
  3. Kalimat : Rangkaian kata yang terdiri minimal Subject dan Verb yang diakhiri dengan penanda (./!/?)
Kalimat terbagi menjadi 3 yaitu (read on your book the 9th page):
  1. Statement (Pernyataan)
  2. Question (Pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban)
  3. Request/Command (permintaan dan perintah)


  1. His book is excellent for English studies. Load material into islamic education

  2. I think I don't really understand to pacticing the difference between tenses.

  3. Thank you so much sir, it makes me know about language

  4. This blog is very useful for readers and can add insight to readers

  5. It's verry good sir...👍👍
    Islamic Learning is verry important for me and Unimma.

  6. my opinion about this book is very impressive and satisfying for readers
    hopefully it can be useful and can create even higher quality books

  7. The language that is the thing to communicate every people in this word and to give understand each other

  8. This book is very good for students to study

  9. This blog is very useful for students to study

  10. The material on this blog is very good we can learn about history of islam and explanation of components language is very easy to understand

  11. Nama : yechi Amara (20.0401.0018)

    I really like this material. Islamic stories really amaze the readers' hearts. really great power of Allah SWT.

    Then regarding the language material it is also very interesting, the answers between students also vary which increasingly make curiosity arise.

  12. Nafis avi lafirda 20.0401.0009
    Is there also a language for age differences in English such as Kromo in Javanese

  13. The material contained in Mr. Ahwi's book is very good and very helpful in reading English. And the book also has a discussion about the prophet

  14. The writing wae very helpful to us us students understand the sub chapter on language

  15. thank you sir, this really helped me and everyone to learn

  16. Language is very important for our life. So, we must use good language in communicating

  17. Khusnul Fatmawati (20.0401.0028)
    The material contained in Mr. Ahwi's book is very good and very helpful in reading English. And the book also has a discussion about the prophet

  18. Nama : Wahyu Hifdzulhali (20.0401.0021)
    Prodi : PAI sem. 1
    Comment : I think this book is very useful for students. Moreover, the material presented in the book uses English, which English is an international language. In addition to increasing knowledge, the book can also be used as a means of preaching Islam. Tells the history of Islam and who is the Prophet Muhammad to the world.

  19. After i read this article i know about what of definition,component,type and function.

  20. Thank you sir, now I know what language is

  21. This book is very useful for learning

  22. This is very informative but if i can to ask" what system can use in learning English language?

  23. thank you sir, I hope I can learn all of that to be able to explain Islamic Learning in English Purpose as well.
    now, I can differentiate definition of language and function of languange
    I also know some information of language

  24. books that are very helpful in learning. and with a vocabulary that is very easy to understand.

  25. Repeat my commnet

    Alifia Maharani Agustin
    I think I don't really understand to pacticing the difference between tenses.

  26. citra ayu qonita (20.0401.0029)
    thank you sir, I hope I can learn all of that to be able to explain Islamic Learning in English Purpose as well.
    now, I can differentiate definition of language and function of languange
    I also know some information of language

  27. I think i understand about language if i practicing in my life.

  28. with this book we can learn English and get to know Islam

  29. thank you very much for helping me in learning my english.

  30. chairunnisa kurnia agusti (20.0401.0019)
    the language is the thing we can us to speak or to communication to another people

  31. this book is very helpful for learning

  32. thank you sir this is very helpful and increases knowledge about the language

  33. Novika dewi fitriani (20.0401.0013)
    thank you sir this is very helpful and increases knowledge about the language

  34. Ficha Rinda Yuliana
    Thank you sir, this blog adds to my knowledge of Islam and languages


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